Students: here’s what you need to know about council tax exemption

by | Sep 12, 2022 | Council Tax, Moving Guides

Whether you are heading off to university or college for the first time or you’re switching to new accommodation, it’s important to register for student Council Tax exemption. Even if everyone in your household is a full-time student, if you haven’t informed your local authorities they may begin sending you bills and chasing you up for payment. You could end up paying a bill you are not required to, or having to prove your exemption in court, so registering as soon as you move in is essential.


Do I qualify for student tax exemption?

If you are a full-time student in the UK, you do not have to pay Council Tax. Full-time means that you are studying on a course lasting at least one year for 24 weeks out of the year and requiring at least 21 hours of study a week. This covers a range of courses in the UK, and there are also exceptions for A-Level courses. You can see more details of which courses qualify here.


How should I register?

Once you have enrolled in your course you will need a student certificate for everyone in your household. You can get these from your university or college administration department. You will also need to inform your local Council of the details of everyone who’ll be occupying the property. Of course, if you use Please Connect Me’s free utility concierge service then we handle that part for you. 

 Moving In? Save time, money and effort with Please Connect Me’s free utility concierge service


Once you receive your welcome letter from your council by post check the top corner of the letter for your property reference number. Then, visit your local Council’s website and look for the student tax exemption form. You’ll be asked for your property reference and to upload each student’s proof of enrolment. Once everything is submitted you can relax, notice of exemption will come by post in the next four weeks. Once you’ve got your notice you’re all set until next year.


What happens if there is a non-student in the household?

If one person living at the property is not a student then they will need to pay Council Tax. They will, however, get a 25% discount for being the only tax-paying occupant as everyone else is exempt. If there are two or more occupants who aren’t students then you’ll be billed the full total.

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