Can I choose my water supplier?

by | 5 Aug 2024 | Moving Guides, Services, Water

You can switch to the company of your choice for energy bills, broadband and TV – but did you know you’re not able to choose your water supplier in the UK?

Instead, your water supplier is determined by the area where you live. When you move, you’re responsible for registering with your new supplier. Otherwise, you might be charged for water that was used before you arrived.


Who supplies my water?

There are currently 25 water suppliers across England, Scotland and Wales. 12 handle clean and wastewater, while 13 are ‘Water Only’. You can find the supplier for your home on the website. 


How to set up your water bill

Once you’ve found your supplier, you’ll need to register with them. You can contact your supplier directly, or use our free utility registration service and let us handle the admin.

If you do want to handle the registration yourself, you can find your water supplier contact details here.

Once you’re armed with their contact details, make sure you have prepared all the necessary information to fill out their sign-up form. This will include:

  • Your full name
  • Your address
  • Your contact information (phone number and email)
  • Payment details (if you wish to set up a direct debit)
  • Your water meter readings (if your meter is accessible)

Can I switch supplier?

There is currently no option to switch suppliers to get a better deal, you can only be supplied by your local water company. Don’t worry though, Ofwat (the government regulator for water) oversees the industry to keep charges fair.


What do my bills cover?

Your water bills pay for the supply of clean water to your property and the removal of wastewater – that’s everything that goes down your sink, drain or toilet. Your bills also pay for the maintenance of the wider water network, treating sewage and repairing any leaks.


How are my bills calculated?

This depends on whether you have a water meter installed at your home. If you do, your water bill will be calculated based on the water you use. Your initial monthly bill will be an estimate based on average usage. Then, every six months, your water company will take a reading and adjust your bills based on your usage.

If you do not have a water meter, then the rateable value of your property determines your water bills. This value is based on the size and general condition of your property and the availability of local services. This information is then used to calculate a flat rate you will pay for your water use, which is not affected by how much water you use.

Read more about how utility bills in the UK are calculated here.

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