Can I choose my water supplier?

by | Jan 21, 2020 | Moving Guides, Services, Water

Water, like gas and electricity, is provided by a variety of different suppliers all across the UK – so you might be wondering ‘how can I choose my water supplier’? In fact, unlike with energy, broadband or TV, in the UK you are not able to choose who supplies your water. Instead, it is determined by where your property is located.

Who supplies my water?

There are currently 25 water suppliers across England, Scotland and Wales. The water in your home will come from your local water company, which is responsible for supplying water to all the homes in that geographical region. Use “find my water supplier” tool to find your local water supplier online.

How to set up your water bill

Sorting out water at your new house can seem complicated and if you don’t know what you’re doing it can be difficult to know where to start. Registering with your water company is a very simple process that can be done quickly and without much hassle at all. Start by finding your supplier’s contact details.

Find your water supplier contact details here.

Once you’re armed with their contact details, make sure you have prepared all the necessary information to fill out their sign-up form. This may include:

  • Your full name
  • Your address
  • Your contact information (phone number and email)
  • Payment details (if you wish to set up a direct debit)
  • Your water meter readings

Can I switch supplier?

Under UK legislation there is currently no option to switch supplier to get a better deal, as your water can only be supplied by your local water company. Don’t worry though, Ofwat (government regulator) oversee the industry to ensure providers don’t exploit their monopolistic power.


What do my bills cover?

Water suppliers charge customers a water rate for their services. This water rate covers a continuous supply of water at an adequate pressure, in addition to the cost of renewing water pipes and treatment plants to maintain quality of water and service.


How are my bills calculated?

This depends on whether you have a water meter installed at your home. If you do, then your water bill will be calculated based on the amount of water you use.

If you do not have a water meter, then the rateable value of your property determines your water bills. This value is based upon the size and general condition of your property and the availability of local services. This information is then used to calculate a flat rate you will pay for your water use, which not be affected by how much water you use.

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