What broadband speed is right for me?

by | 21 Mar 2018 | Broadband & Phone

Broadband providers offer a huge range of options when it comes to your internet speed. It can be difficult to figure out which one is best for you, so we’re here to try and help you out. Use our handy guide to find out what internet speed would be best for you.


What kind of internet user are you?

 Light user

You’re a small household with only one or two devices connected to the internet, and rarely stream videos and music online. You mainly use the internet for email and surfing the web.

We recommend: standard broadband

A broadband package with download speeds up to 17 Mb/s  should be enough to satisfy your needs. This is standard broadband that runs on your phone line’s copper wires. It will be fine for small households who don’t use the internet a great deal but may struggle if multiple devices are connected at once.


Regular user

You’re a family or shared house that likes to stream and download from the internet and has several devices connected to the Wi-Fi.

We recommend: regular fibre broadband

For most households, a regular fibre broadband package should be sufficient to cover all your internet needs. This is a broadband connection that delivers the signal though fibre optic cables rather than copper telephone wires. Some companies offer entry-level fibre deals with download speeds of up to 38 Mb/s, while BT offers a similarly-priced package with download speeds of up to 52 Mb/s.


Heavy user

You’re a big household where multiple people need to be online at the same time. You’re looking for an internet package that can handle multiple devices streaming HD video and downloading files simultaneously, without any drop-off in performance.

 We recommend: ultra-fast fibre broadband

These broadband packages offer lightning-fast internet speeds for heavy internet users. These packages can handle multiple devices using the internet at the same time. Most broadband providers offer speeds of up to 76Mb as their premium fibre package, although Virgin Media can offer super-fast speeds of up to 300Mb.

After a brief introduction, it’s time to check your actual internet speed – click here to find out.

Check this chart for an easy guide to how fast your internet connection needs to be when streaming video online. 

Service Needed for
HD Ultra HD
BBC iPlayer 1.5 Mbps 2.8 Mbps Not available
Netflix 3.0 Mbps 5.0 Mbps 25 Mbps
Amazon Prime 0.9 Mbps 3.5 Mbps 25 Mbps
Now TV 2.5 Mbps 5 Mbps Not available
YouTube 2 Mbps 6 Mbps 15 Mbps


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