Spread the word: Who to contact when you move

by | Sep 19, 2024 | Moving, Moving Guides

Do you know who to contact when you move home? If not, you could miss important post – or worse.

Luckily, we’ve compiled this handy list of the organisations and businesses that might need to know about your new address. Cross each one off and before you know it you’ll be one step closer to a finished move.

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Who to contact when you move home

Here’s a list of the major organisations and businesses that you need to contact when you move home.

  • Your utility providers
  • Your council
  • Your internet provider
  • TV licensing
  • Your bank and credit card company
  • Your employer
  • Your insurance company
  • HMRC
  • Your doctor (and other healthcare professionals)
  • The DVLA
  • Subscriptions
  • Friends and Family!


Informing your utility providers when you move

If you want to avoid paying bills for your empty home, your utility providers should be at the top of your list of who to contact when you move home.

Your gas, electricity and water supplier will all need to know the day you moved, as well as the closing meter readings at your old address. You’ll then also need to register with the existing suppliers at your new address. Once you’ve done so you can switch energy suppliers if you choose.


Contact your council when you move

You should also let your previous and new local council know as soon as you move home. If you pay in advance for council tax you may be eligible for a refund if you moved before the end of the payment period.
Your new Council will also be able to help you join the electoral register to vote in local elections.


Transferring your internet and TV package

If your internet provider isn’t on your list of who to contact when you move you might find yourself stuck offline for a while.

Setting up a new internet connection can take more than two weeks, so reach out to your provider ahead of the move to make a plan.

If you’re still under contract, you might be able to transfer your existing service to a new property. If your current provider isn’t available, they may ask to pay an exit fee, but this can sometimes be avoided. Read more about cancelling your broadband without an exit fee.

If you have a TV licence, you also need to update your address with TV licensing.


Who to contact when you move about your finances

As a general rule, anyone who sends you post needs to know that you’ve moved home. Regarding your finances, this will include your bank and any credit card companies you have a card with. It also includes your employer, any pension funds you are subscribed to and HMRC.


Updating your insurance when you move

Your insurance provider will need to know about your change of address, but you may also need to update your policy for your new home. This is obviously true for home insurance, but your contents insurance, vehicle insurance, life insurance and even pet insurance might be affected by moving to a new area.

Speaking of vehicle insurance, make sure to contact the DVLA when you move to update your vehicle registration.


Inform your healthcare providers

Anyone who provides you with healthcare will need to know about your new home. This includes your GP, but also your pharmacist, optician and dentist, as well as any other professional you see regularly.

You’ll need to provide your current address to collect prescriptions, and appointment reminders are still often sent by post.

Don’t Forget!

Any services you subscribe to will need your updated address, potentially a few weeks in advance if they ship early. Go through your regular payments in your online banking to check you’ve not missed any services.
Friends and family will also want to know about your new home, especially if you’re on their Christmas card list.

You can send out a mass email or WhatsApp to update everyone, but make sure to reach out to any less technologically-minded loved ones as well!

If you are worried about missing post sent to your old address, consider setting up a Royal Mail redirection. When this is set up, any post addressed to you will be sent to your new address.


How much notice do I need to give when moving house?

Most organisations request at least four weeks’ notice of your move for a smooth transfer. We recommend starting to reach out to suppliers as soon as your move dates are confirmed, starting with any services you need to transfer to your new home/



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